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December Gardening Jobs


Now that December has arrived the official winter season is close by however the current weather conditions are making us think that it is already here! Even though the normal tasks that come to mind when you think of gardening cannot be done at this time of year, there are still a handful of tasks that need to be completed to help maintain your garden. 

General Tasks For December 

  • Remove fallen leaves and other debris as they appear to keep your garden tidy and disease-free.
  • Inspect and maintain all your gardening tools to ensure they’re in top condition for spring. If you need replacements, consider upgrading your equipment now.
  • Clean hard surfaces such as patios and decking with MAC Hi Power or AlgoClear to reduce the risk of hazardous slips
  • Ensure your greenhouse heaters and winter covers are functioning and securely in place.

Lawns / Turfed Areas Maintenance

  • Refrain from walking on your lawn when it’s frosty or snow-covered to prevent lasting damage. Shovel off snow if it accumulates to prevent prolonged stress.
  • When conditions are mild, clear fallen leaves and worm casts to reduce the risk of lawn diseases.
  • You can use fertilisers if grass is still active and no frost is present/expected.
  • Your lawn is dormant during winter, so fertiliser treatments won’t be effective.
  • Try to keep debris off your lawn and try not to walk on it too often in the colder parts of the month

Trees, Shrubs and Hedges 

  • Check for wind damage and address any issues promptly.
  • Remove snow from conifers, hedges, and shrubs to prevent branches from breaking under the weight.

Beds and Borders

  • Cut back and remove any dead growth to maintain a neat appearance and prevent pest problems.
  • Prune open-grown apples, pears, acers, birches, and vines before Christmas to avoid sap bleeding.
  • It’s still a good time to plant or transplant deciduous varieties while they’re dormant.

Top 10 December Gardening Tips

  1. Ensure winter protection structures, like cloches and fleece covers, are secure.
  2. Check greenhouse heaters are operational to safeguard plants from frost.
  3. Insulate outdoor taps to prevent freezing.
  4. Prevent ponds from freezing over to protect aquatic life.
  5. Harvest winter crops such as leeks, parsnips, and cabbages.
  6. Take hardwood cuttings for propagation.
  7. Keep mice away from stored produce.
  8. Prune dormant trees and shrubs.
  9. Reduce houseplant watering to suit lower light levels.
  10. Continue general garden clean-up to avoid pest and disease build-up.

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