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Putting Your Garden to Bed for Winter


Like all things in life, your garden needs a rest after its hard work year-round. Here is our expert advice to get your garden primed for its winter rest to ensure it comes back fighting fit next spring.

When to Start Your Winter Lawn Preparation

Weather Dependent: Key Considerations

Keep an eye on the weather as temperatures begin to dip. Grass growth typically slows down below 5ºC, so you may need to adjust your plans. 

Preparing Your Lawn for Its Winter Rest

Low Mow: Letting Grass Rest

For your final mow of the year, cut the grass to approximately 1.5-2 inches to help it enter dormancy properly, encouraging healthy growth when spring arrives. Where needed, trim the edges of the lawn so it’s tidy for the winter. Please bear in mind that we can get warm spells in Winter which can encourage more grass growth, if this occurs you can give the lawn a high cut if not frosty or wet.

Aerate Your Winter Lawn

Aerating might sound technical, but it’s all about giving your lawn a little love! Doing so will improve air circulation and nutrient absorption, which are vital for a thriving winter lawn. 

What is Aerating? 

Piercing through the soil allows good air circulation and provides your grassroots with nutrient and water consumption.

Top Dress and Fertilise

After aerating, apply a thin layer of top dressing and fertiliser. This extra nourishment helps your lawn weather the winter months. Our purpose-mixed Autumn Winter Fertiliser is packed full of nutrients to protect your lawn from unruly weather and disease.

Overseed Bald Spots

If you notice any bare patches, now’s the time to overseed. For optimal results, use our Winter Repair Grass Seed, which thrives in temperatures as low as 3°C and copes well during winter. This hardy seed allows you to continue using your lawn, as it’s bred to handle high traffic.

Prune Surrounding Plants for Light Access

A little pruning goes a long way in allowing more light to reach you lawn in the dim winter days. This is essential for a healthy winter lawn, so don’t skip this step!

Your Wider Winter Garden Preparations

Clear Away Dead or Dying Plants

Start by removing any dead or dying plants. This tidies up your garden and helps prevent pests and diseases from taking residence over the winter.

Garden Tidy Up: Clean Debris

Gather fallen leaves, twigs, and other debris. It’s a simple yet satisfying task that keeps your garden healthy.

Cleaning Your Hard Surfaces

Sweep and clean patios or gravel areas. Any leaf build-up left for too long can rot and stain your hard surfaces.
Explore our range of hard surface cleaners to find what works for your space.

Cut Perennials to Soil Level

Give your perennials a good trim by cutting them back to soil level. This protects their roots and helps them bounce back stronger come spring.

Winter Weed Management 

Weeds don’t take a break in winter, so let’s be proactive! Apply a protective layer of mulch or a weed suppressant like New Way Weed Spray to keep pesky weeds at bay.

Using Organic Matter: Wood Chips and Ash

 A cosy layer of mulch—whether wood chips or ash—acts as a blanket for your soil, keeping it insulated and moisture-retentive.

By taking these steps, you’re not just putting your garden to bed; you’re setting the stage for a lush, vibrant revival in spring.
Don’t forget to explore our full range of products designed to assist you every step of the way!

For Patch Repairs

For Feeding Your Lawn
For Ridding Your Lawn of Weeds
For Hard Surfaces

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