There is always a time in your lawn's life that it becomes patchy or thin. These are simple tasks and require light work.
If you have any patches that appear in your lawn, you will need to over-seed to repair them. Make sure the weather conditions and temperatures are adequate for this process, this is normally between April & September.
Remove any debris or stones from the patchy area and loosen the soil either with a rake or gardening fork
Apply our A1Lawn Pre-Seeder Fertiliser (6-9-6) at 35g per m2 to pack the soil full of nutrients to help the grass seed develop and build a solid root structure. (make sure the fertiliser is dissolved before seeding)
Sow the grass seed at the recommended rate (on the product page) and work the seed into the soil to achieve great seed to soil contact, this will really improve germination and optimal results. You can even apply a light layer of top dressing to just cover the seed slightly, this will also help with bird take.
If no consistent rainfall is present, make sure to water the area for around 4-6 weeks, keeping the seeds moist.