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Seeding Wildflowers


Wildflowers can add a lot to an area that you are landscaping. Whether you are wanting to plant an entire wildflower meadow or have a small patch in your garden, seeding wildflowers have many benefits.

Not only do wildflowers resemble a painter's palette when in full bloom, they also are extremely beneficial to many insects as they provide habitats and are a great source of nectar. From this we can see that wildflowers are a great addition not just for us humans but are great for biodiversity within your land. So, how do you go about planting wildflower seeds?

How to sow a wildflower meadow - Step-By-Step

Prepare the ground

  1. Two to three weeks before planting apply a complete herbicide if you intend to get rid of all vegetation
  2. Remove any weeds still living in the area you are wanting to plant the wildflower seeds so the wildflower seedlings are not competing with the weeds to grow
  3. Once the ground is clear, it is advised that the soil is dug or rotovated followed by being firmly raked to create a seedbed (similar process to if you were sowing a new lawn)
  4. Allow four to six weeks for the soil to settle and for any weeds that are present to begin to germinate. Any that do come through should be hoed before sowing.

Sowing wildflowers seeds

  1. Depending on the area you are wanting to cover, sowing wildflower seeds can be achieved quite easily by hand
  2. Application rates may vary between individual mixes however, we generally say that for creating a new wildflower area 5g/m2 should be applied however if you are over-seeding a pre-existing area a 2g/m2 sowing rate is recommended
  3. One tip to ensure that the wildflower seed mix is scattered evenly is to sow half of the area width-ways and the remaining half lengthways 
  4. Rake the seed in lightly to ensure that they have good contact between the seed and soil
  5. Water the area thoroughly and leave the wildflower plants to grow naturally
  6. Make sure that the seeded areas are netted off so birds can’t eat the seed

Maintenance Tips

Cut and remove 

Ideally, the meadow's bulk height should be removed using a reciprocating blade, and then the mower (and collector, if available) should be used on the highest setting. 

Spot treatment 

Either by hand removal or spot chemical treatment. As needed to control possible weed infiltration, this can be done at any stage of a meadow's existence.

When to sow wildflower seeds?

There are two ideal times for seeding wildflowers during the year. It is recommended that they should be sown between mid-March to mid-May or between mid-August through to mid-October. You are looking for temperatures that are consistently over 10℃.  

Year 1 

If sown in early spring or autumn, keep growth mown down to 20 cm for the first spring flowering by regularly cutting and removing until June to limit the possibility of spring weed infiltration. Cutting below 20 cm puts low-flowering species at danger of excessive stress. The region can be allowed to bloom organically starting in June and continuing until the end of the flowering season. The area can be allowed to grow organically if it is planted in the summer. In late September or early October, make the last cut of the season and remove clippings to get ready for winter. 

 Year 2 

Throughout the flowering season, let the meadow expand organically. If necessary, pull weeds, then repeat the last cut and remove 

Following years 

There should be at least one complete cut and remove* per year at the conclusion of the season, with the possibility of a mid-season high cut and remove* in late May or early June, which will be helpful for controlling dominant or high growth species.

To find the ideal wildflower seed mix for you, explore our range here.

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