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How To Repair Burn Patches From Dog Urine


This must be one of the most common questions we get asked here at A1Lawn and how to prevent it.

Although our dogs can be our best friends, the burnt grass is the painful side to it. These burnt patches can be an unsightly view in your lawn especially if you are an enthusiast which a lot of us are here, you are probably wondering what can be done.

The Cause Of The Damage

The urine from dogs (especially female) is super high in nitrogen which causes the burning, or the yellow or dead spots. Although we wish we could offer you a dog urine resistant seed, there is simply nothing out there that can resist the rich nitrogen that comes with the urine. You need to deal with it at the time.

How To Prevent It

This is a hard one as keeping the dog clear of the lawn can be impossible unless trained not to urinate on the area, but you can help the lawn by simply watering the areas the dog has used. If you water the spots soon after your dog has done the business it will prevent the patches going yellow and dry but actually make the grass very green along with a growth spurt. Apart from this there is not much else you can do with lawncare products etc. But you can try alternative methods such as dog rocks, just be sure to speak to your vet about this first.

How To Repair Yellow & Brown Patches

  • Make sure to mow the area first, when you sow the new seed you will have to wait a while before you can cut again.
  • Remove any debris or stones from the patchy area and loosen the soil either with a rake or gardening fork.

  • Apply our A1Lawn Pre-Seeder Fertiliser (6-9-6) at 35g per m2 to pack the soil full of nutrients to help the grass seed develop and build a solid root structure. Make sure the fertiliser is dissolved before seeding and try to keep your pets clear.

  • Sow the grass seed at the recommended rate (on the product page) and work the seed into the soil to achieve great seed to soil contact, this will really improve germination and optimal results. A great grass seed choice if you have dog/s is either our AM Pro-25 tough hard wearing lawn seed or the AM24 Premiership Pro.

  • You can even apply a light layer of top dressing to just cover the seed slightly, this will also help with bird take.

  • If no consistent rainfall is present, make sure to water the area for around 4-6 weeks keeping the seeds moist.

How To Repair Very Green Patches

  • Use a fertiliser such as our A1Lawn Ultimate Spring/Summer Lawn Fertiliser on the rest of the area to create a uniform colour on the entire lawn.

  • Try to avoid applying the fertiliser on the dog patches that are very green.

  • Water in well for several days making sure the granules are fully dissolved.

  • Try to keep pets off the lawn once the fertiliser is applied and until the granules are fully dissolved.

If you are looking to sow new seed, feed your lawn or want any additional advice, please get in touch, we are more than happy to provide as much information as you need to achieve your lawn goals. You can contact us by phone on 08004118141 or by email at sales@a1lawn.

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