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How to Repair Your Lawn Ready For Winter


Is your lawn looking a little tired after a busy summer of barbecues, parties and other fun activities? A worn out lawn is a sure-fire sign that you've had an action-packed summer, but if it's left in a poor condition as the weather turns colder, it might not far well over the winter. September is the perfect time to repair your lawn in readiness for the colder months.

Why? Well, your grass is still growing readily, meaning there's still time for it to regrow and return to full health before winter well and truly sets in. Plus, we often experience plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures during September - it's a great time to work on the garden and give it the love it deserves.

With all of that in mind, we've decided to put together a quick, step-by-step guide to help you give your lawn the care it needs throughout September. Follow the steps listed below, and your lawn should be back to full health in no time!

Our lawn care tips for autumn

There are a number of generalised and more specialist tasks that can be carried out during September. The basics include:

  • Keeping weeds under control
  • Watering plants as and when needed (September can still present us with plenty of warm, dry days)
  • Clearing up fallen leaves as autumn begins to set in

In terms of more specialised lawn maintenance tasks, here are out top recommendations for the month of September.


Using a rake or a scarifying machine (if you have one), scarify the lawn when temperatures are between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. September is the ideal time to scarify your lawn. By removing thatch, you'll be ensuring that your grass has access to plenty of sunlight, nutrients and water, allowing it to return to full health before winter.

Eliminating Moss

The same goes for removing moss: make sure you get this under control during September, as it could compromise the health of your lawn significantly if it's left to flourish throughout the colder, damper months to come.

Applying lawn seed

September is a great time to apply lawn seed to thicken up your grass and repair any damage that occurred over the summer. If you're planning to sow a new lawn, you can do this during September as well.

Applying autumn fertiliser

To give your grass the protection it needs to survive the cold weather ahead, apply a dedicated autumn/winter fertiliser in late September.

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