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Cleaning Algae, Moss & Biofilms on Hard Surfaces


Hard Surface Cleaning Guide

  1. Identify the type of growth you have – this will enable you to make sure that you are using the right product. Hard surface softwash solutions should be used to clean moss, algae, lichens and other biofilms.
  2. To protect flower beds, lawns and surrounding areas it is important that you cover the areas with tarpaulin or fleece. This will not only protect the areas from spray drift but it will also help make the clean-up process much quicker! If you are applying solutions to roofs then gutters should be covered with plastic flashing and downpipes should be blocked off to ensure that application to non-target areas should be limited.
  3. Remove any large clumps of moss/vegetation from the area you are going to be treating – this can be done either by scraping or brushing. (Not all situations will require this step, it is only needed in extreme cases).
  4. Dilute your softwashing solutions as per the instructions on the product label.
  5. Apply the solution using a sprayer with a steady flow making sure that the areas which are most affected by moss/algae are thoroughly covered.
  6. Once applied, the product will remain on the surface, helping to keep the treated area clean for a period of time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is moss growth on a roof a problem? 

A. Moss growing on a roof does look unsightly however it generally does not cause problems. If it begins to grow over and in guttering and drainage points this is where it can begin to cause damage so it is best to clean it before it reaches this point. 

Q. Why are roofs a common place for moss to grow? 

A. Moss thrives on damp, cool surfaces which, if your roof doesn’t get much sunlight, makes it the ideal place for it to live. 

Q. Once I have applied a treatment, how long will it be before moss and algae return to that area? 

A. This really depends on the conditions of the area that you have treated. Those which are in heavily shaded spots will start to see regrowth before other areas. In areas that are less ideal for moss to grow, the softwash solution will help keep areas clean for up to 4-5 years due to the slow growing nature of moss. 

Our Product Recommendations

We stock a good range of hard surface cleaners. Our top recommendations are as follows:

  • AlgoClear - 5L container, one of the industry leading products for hard surface cleaning
  • MAC Hi-Power - 1L pack size, professional standard hard surface cleaner 

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